The Self Trade Prevention functionality does not apply for Xbid products, but only on Local Products offered by Nord Pool.

If a member wishes to prevent trading between two or more different portfolios within the same company, they can apply this restriction by sending an email to [email protected] and provide a list of portfolios that should not cross match. We then add that restriction in Portfolio service

NB. Same portfolio cannot trade with itself by default. 


PortfolioPrevent from matching with portfolio: 
example_portfolio1            example_portfolio2, example_portfolio3

Once restrictions are added by our support, you need to re-login to apply the changes. If you are about to trade between two portfolios where you applied self-trading restriction you will get the below warning:

The self trade notification only applies when both orders were placed on the same NEMO platform (also for XBID products): Nord Pool.

In cases where you or another market participants perform a self trade, the trade price will be flagged with a star "*" in the ticker.

This is further explained here: