To change the User Settings, click on the username in the Banner as shown in the picture below and a User Settings box will open where you can change and save your preferences for Locale, Time Zone, Number format and Notifications.

Note: please be aware that all settings are browser based, and not per user. If you are using a different browser or computer, remember to change the settings accordingly, as these will be set to default values.

Locale: will set your preference for Date and Number formats

For example:

  • if you select Norway as your Locale preference, the Clearing system will show a comma (,) as your decimal separator.
  • if you select UK as your Locale preference, the Clearing system will show a dot (.) as your decimal separator.

Notifications: are automatically sent to all users of the Clearing system, unless disabled by the user. 

Once you have selected your new preferences you will be asked to 'Save change'