29 .03.2022

Auction trading UI 

•    Edit individual blocks functionality

It is now possible edit existing block orders directly in the UI. 


•    Edit Exclusive group name functionality

It is now possible to edit the exclusive group name in the UI

•    Portfolio currency information

Added currency label in the portfolio description

•    Select/unselect all orders in the Copy from past functionality

New checkbox to select/unselect all orders, per order type, in the Copy from past functionality

•    Control buttons in Copy from past functionality

The control buttons have been moved to the header.

Auction API

•    Additional companyName field in API responses

The companyName field has been added to each object in the response to all endpoints. 

•    Additional fields in the /trades endpoint

New fields have been added to the /trades endpoint response to give additional information for each trade for easier mapping of block results:

-    exclusiveGroup      

-    linkedTo

-    isSpreadBlock

•    Area prices availability 

The area prices in the /prices endpoint will be available for 7 days in the past.