Download Excel sheets as explained in introduction to Excel templates.
Find the sheet named "[portfolio name] Block" and make your personalized bids:
Block Orders
- Name: choose a unique name for each of your blocks.
- From and To: Indicates the start and stop time of the block.
- Volume: MW to bid for the selected period.
- Price: Strike price for selected block.
- Minimum acceptance ratio %: A defined percentage that the block can be curtailed down to. Leaving Min.% column. blank means a MAR at 100%.
- Link: Not used for normal blocks and must be left empty.
- Hour 1-24: Not used for normal blocks and must be left empty.
Profile Blocks
- Name: choose a unique name for each of your blocks.
- From and To: Indicates the start and stop time of the block.
- Volume: Leave empty.
- Price: Strike price for selected block.
- Minimum acceptance ratio %: A defined percentage that the block can be curtailed down to. Leaving Min.% column. blank means a MAR at 100%.
- Link: This profile block is not linked, so must be left empty.
- Hour 1-24: Insert MW bids for each hour indicated in From and To.
Linked Blocks
- Name: choose a unique name for each of your blocks.
- From and To: Indicates the start and stop time of the block.
- Volume: MW to bid for the selected period.
- Price: Strike price for selected block.
- Minimum acceptance ratio %: A defined percentage that the block can be curtailed down to. Leaving Min.% column. blank means a MAR at 100%.
- Link: Chose the block name you want to be the parent of the current block (block becomes child).
- Hour 1-24: This block is not linked, so must be left empty.
Spread Blocks
- Name: choose a unique name for each of your blocks
- From and To: Indicates the start and stop time of the block.
- Volume: MW to bid for the selected period.
- Price: Strike price for selected block.
- Minimum acceptance ratio %: A defined percentage that the block can be curtailed down to. Leaving Min.% column blank means a MAR at 100%.
- Link: Chose the block name you want to mutually link the block to.
- SpreadBlock: Fill in TRUE.
- Hour 1-24: This block is not linked, so must be left empty.