The platform allows for uploading bids via Excel sheets. Click "Download Templates" in the bottom left corner of the platform to download the Excel templates.

A pop-up window appears, asking what order types you want the templates for. Click "Yes" to download the templates.

  • Optional: Select also the option to "Include Instructions" in the Excel file

Open the file as downloaded by your browser. The first seven rows must be included and are automatically filled with current information.

  • Type: Type of bids (Block or Curve).
  • Exported At: Export time for the Excel sheet (no changes needed).
  • Time Zone: Time zone for the bid (Time zone is determined by the User Settings)
  • Member: Name of organization sending in the bids.
  • PortfolioName of portfolio to submit bids for.
  • AreaWhich area to place bids in.
  • CurrencyCurrency for the bids.

You will find templates for all the chosen order types in different tabs in the bottom left corner of the Excel sheet. 

  • Instructions will also appear in separate tabs of the Excel files, if the “Include Instructions” was selected when the template was downloaded.

It is also possible to download the current orders you have submitted in the platform. Two options exist:

To export all orders currently submitted in the platform, click "As report". This will export all order type for a particular date, including Curves, Blocks and Exclusive Groups.

To export a certain order in an area, use the "Export" functionality as shown for curve orders here (appears after using filters to choose portfolio and area)

After exporting the orders from the platform you are free to make changes in Excel and re-upload them again using the "Upload" functionality. Blocks and Exclusive groups with the identical name as orders already submitted will be updated, not doubled.

For how to fill in for the different types of orders, please see the following links