Spread Blocks is an order type using linked blocks, where a pair of buy and sell blocks are mutually linked. In a spread block, both blocks are either accepted or rejected. This order type is asked for specifically related to battery/pump/storage assets where it makes sense to have one “charging period” and one “discharging period”. One of the blocks has to be a buy block and the other block has to be a sell block.
You can have 3 Spread blocks pairs per portfolio.
Ways to submit spread blocks:
You can submit and update Spread Blocks in three different ways:
- You can create/update your order in an Excel file, and thereafter copy the orders and paste directly into the application
- You can upload an order using our Excel templates
- Copy orders from the past
Spread blocks cannot be submitted through the UI
1. Copy and paste curve Spread Block from an Excel file
- Start by either 1) downloading an empty Excel template or 2) exporting an existing order
- How to download an empty Excel template and export existing order is described in this link
- For further instructions on how to fill in the excel template, please see this link
- Enter from and to period, volume, MAR and price in the Excel template
- Positive volume = BUY
- Negative volume = SELL
- Tick size = 0,01 EUR/MWh *
- Trade lot = 0,1 MW
* Currency is auction dependent
- In the Excel file attached at the bottom of the page and shown below, mark the Spread Block order and press Ctrl + c
- In the Auctions platform,
- "Add Block"
- Select portfolio
- CTRL + V
- Will look like this when using the example attache
- After you validate the order press Save.
2. Upload an order using Excel templates
- Start by either 1) downloading an empty Excel template or 2) exporting an existing order
- How to download an empty Excel template and export existing order is described in this link
- For further instructions on how to fill in the excel template, please see this link
- Enter the from and to period, volume, MAR and price in the Excel template
- Save the order file on your computer
- 1) drag and drop the file directly into the browser, or 2) Click "Upload" and "Select from your computer"