This view is accessible through the 'Portfolios' button.

Information can be found about the current logged in user account and the portfolios it has access to.
User details:
User Name: | User name of the current user account |
Company Name: | Name of the company the user is belonging to |
Email: | Email address connected to the user account |
Nasdaq User Id: | Nasdaq Trader ID used when reporting the trades for registration and clearing at Nasdaq |
Portfolio ID: | Id code of a portfolio |
Portfolio name: | Name of a portfolio |
Areas: | Bidding zones the portfolio has access to |
State: | State of the portfolio, can be activated or deactivated |
Company name: | Company to which the portfolio belongs to |
Clearing account: | Account code to which all trades concluded in the portfolio will be reported to at Nasdaq |
Investment Decision maker ID: | Required for registering the trades at Nasdaq |
Execution decision maker ID: | Required for registering the trades at Nasdaq |
Capacity: | the role in which the trades are being made, ‘Principal’ or ‘Agent’ |
Client ID Qualification: | Nasdaq Client ID Qualification to be used when reporting trades done, ‘Person’ or ‘Company’ |
Client ID: | Nasdaq Client ID to be used when registering trades done in the capacity of Agent |
Click ‘Auctions’ on the left side of the screen to access the home view.